Studio Policies



Studio Policies

Attendance: Students are expected to continue lessons for a full academic year. Students are expected to arrive for lessons in a timely manner, with all required materials and music.

Recitals: Students are required to participate in the yearly Spring Recital at the end of the scholastic year. The student is expected to have music memorized and prepared for the recital by the beginning of May. Other

Makeup lessons: An absence due to illness, accident, or family emergency is excused provided that the teacher is notified at least 24 hours in advance. Lessons missed due to family vacations are excused provided notification is given at least a week in advance. It is the Student’s responsibility to sign up for a make up lesson time if desired; however, make up lessons cannot be guaranteed due to the teachers limited availability.

Teacher absences: The teacher reserves the right to miss lessons due to illness or professional commitments. The teacher will reschedule such lessons.

Practice: Students are required to practice a minimum of 3-5 days a week for at least 30 min.

Lesson Termination: Students may be asked to discontinue lessons at the end of a semester if they have an excess amount of absences or unprepared lessons, at the discretion of the teacher. Lessons may be terminated for unpaid tuition.

Tuition & Payment: Students have the option of paying weekly tuition ( due at the time of the lesson), or paying monthly tuition ( due at the first lesson of the month). Students should notify the teacher of their chosen method of payment at the first lesson. Forms of payment acceptable are: Cash, Debit, Check and FB Messenger pay. * Debit cards will have a small $3 processing fee*. In the event that an excused absence occurs, any prepaid tuition will be applied


Parent Participation: Parents are encouraged to attend and quietly observe lessons once a month if they so desire. The teacher reserves the right to attend if the parents presence alters the quality of the lesson. Parents are asked to encourage the students and to be active participants during practice at home.